Harry Kendall Thaw

Harry Kendall Thaw

Thaw in 1906
Born February 12, 1871(1871-02-12)
Died February 22, 1947(1947-02-22) (aged 76)
Cause of death Coronary thrombosis
Resting place Allegheny Cemetery
Education Harvard University
Known for Murder of Stanford White
Spouse Evelyn Florence Nesbit
Children Russell William Thaw
Parents William Thaw
Mary Sibbet Copley
Relatives Alice Cornelia Thaw, sister

Harry Kendall Thaw (February 12, 1871 - February 22, 1947) was the son of coal and railroad baron William Thaw. He is best known for murdering the architect Stanford White at Madison Square Garden in 1906 in a jealous rage.[1][2]


Early life

Thaw was born on February 12, 1871 to Pittsburgh coal and railroad baron William Thaw.[1][2] Violent and paranoid from a very young age (his mother claimed his problems had started in the womb), he spent his childhood bouncing from private school to private school in Pittsburgh, never doing well and described by teachers as unintelligent and a troublemaker. Still, as the son of William Thaw, he was granted admission to the University of Pittsburgh, where he was to study law, though he apparently did little studying. After a few years he used his name and social status to transfer to Harvard University.

Thaw later bragged that he had studied poker at Harvard. He also went on long drinking binges, attended cockfights, and spent much of his time romancing young women. He was expelled after being picked up for chasing a cab driver through the streets of Cambridge with a shotgun, though he claimed it was unloaded.

Thaw has been credited with the invention of the speedball, an injected combination of morphine and/or heroin along with cocaine sometime between 1896 and 1906. He was also reported by newspapers at the time of his trial to have once consumed an entire bottle of laudanum in a single sitting and carry a special silver case full of syringes and other parts of a large "outfit" of injecting equipment.

Evelyn Nesbit

Early relationship

After his expulsion from Harvard, Thaw bounced around between Pennsylvania and New York, injecting himself with both morphine and cocaine and frequenting Broadway shows, which he described as "studying." In fact, Thaw made a habit of studying chorus girls, and this hobby first brought him into contact with noted architect Stanford White. White, who had a similar hobby, had made some disparaging remarks about Thaw to a group of chorus girls Thaw was engaged in wooing, and Thaw blamed their subsequent snub on White's influence. White soon became a focus of Thaw's disjointed rage, and so when Thaw learned that White had begun paying special attention to Evelyn Nesbit, a chorus girl from the show Florodora, Thaw arranged to meet her at a party.

White warned Nesbit of Thaw, and Nesbit for a while avoided him. But a bout of presumed appendicitis put Nesbit in the hospital and provided Thaw with an opening. Harry came in bearing gifts and praise, managing to impress both Nesbit's mother and the headmistress at the boarding school she attended. Later, under Stanford White's orders, she was moved to a sanatorium in upstate New York, where both White and Thaw visited often, though never at the same time.

Marriage proposal

White's attention soon waned, but Thaw remained an ardent admirer of Nesbit, and after her release from the sanatorium, Thaw invited her and her mother to visit Paris with him. In Europe, Thaw spent vast sums of money on Evelyn and her mother, and eventually proposed marriage to Evelyn, who demurred. Thaw, however, was not to be swayed, and for several weeks continued to press Evelyn for her hand.

Finally, under duress, Evelyn admitted to Thaw that Stanford White had indeed taken her virginity, and she claimed that she was unworthy to be Thaw's wife. This enraged Thaw, but did not dissuade him from wanting Evelyn's hand in marriage. He soon packed Mrs. Nesbit back to New York and took Evelyn to an isolated German castle, where he forced himself on Evelyn and beat her repeatedly with a dog whip. Perhaps out of fear, Evelyn nonetheless stayed with Thaw, eventually convincing him to let her return to New York.

Thaw remained enraptured with Evelyn, and over the course of several years he managed to wear her down. Then his mother arrived at Evelyn's doorstep and announced that she wished for Evelyn to marry her son. Settling down, she said, would help curb Harry's "eccentricities." Evelyn at last gave in and returned to Pittsburgh to live with Harry and Mother Thaw. Harry's obsession with her seemed to wane as soon as the two were married, and Harry sometimes disappeared to Europe or elsewhere for days at a time.

Murder of Stanford White

In the spring of 1906, Harry and Evelyn decided to travel to Europe and New York. On June 25, while in New York, Evelyn and Harry saw Stanford White while dining at the Cafe Martin. After learning that White was to attend the premiere of Mam'zelle Champagne, a show the Thaws were also planning to attend, Harry took Evelyn back to their hotel and disappeared, returning just in time to pick up Evelyn and head to the show — curiously dressed in a black overcoat, though it was a hot evening. At the rooftop theatre of Madison Square Garden, the hat check girl repeatedly tried to relieve Harry of his heavy coat, but he refused. He wandered through the crowd during the show, approaching White's table several times, only to back away on each occasion. During the finale, "I Could Love A Million Girls", Thaw produced a pistol and fired three shots at close range into Stanford White's face, killing him.[2]

The crowd initially suspected the shooting might be part of the show, as elaborate practical jokes were popular in high society at the time. Soon, however, it became apparent that Stanford White was dead. Thaw, holding the gun aloft, walked through the crowd and met Evelyn at the elevator. When she asked what he'd done, Thaw said that he had "probably saved your life."

Murder trials

There were two trials, the first lasting from January–April 1907 and the second in January 1908.[3] At the first, the jury was deadlocked: at the second, where he pled insanity, Evelyn testified. Thaw's mother told Evelyn that if she would testify that Stanford White abused her and that Harry only tried to protect her, she'd receive a divorce from Harry Thaw and one million dollars in compensation. She did just that, and performed in court wonderfully: he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Evelyn got the divorce, but not the money. Thaw testified that he had had a "brainstorm", meaning a moment of temporary insanity.[4] Thaw was incarcerated at the Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane in Fishkill, New York, enjoying nearly complete freedom. In 1913 he walked out of the asylum and was driven over the border to Sherbrooke, Quebec. His lawyer, William Lewis Shurtleff, fought extradition back to the United States, but he was deported and arrested in the United States.[5] In 1915, a jury judged him sane, and he was released.

Assault trial

For his part, Thaw continued to live as he had always lived. The year after his release, he was accused of sexually assaulting and horsewhipping Fred Gump, Jr., a high-school student he brought from Kansas City to New York. When Thaw was indicted for the assault, he fled to Philadelphia, where he was found with a self-inflicted slash to the throat. He was again adjudicated insane, and sent to an asylum. After seven years, he was declared sane and released in 1924.[1]

Later life

In 1924, he purchased a historic home known as Kenilworth in Clearbrook, a farming community in Frederick County, Virginia. While living at Kenilworth, Thaw ingratiated himself with the locals, joined the Rouss Fire Company, and even marched in a few local parades in his fireman's uniform. He was regarded as an eccentric by the citizens of Clearbrook but does not seem to have run into a great deal of additional legal trouble.

In the late '20s, Thaw went into the film production business, based on Long Island. At first, he attempted to make short comedies and stories about fake spiritualists. In 1927, he contracted with John S. Lopez and detective-story author Arthur B. Reeve for a batch of scenarios continuing the fake spiritualism theme. This resulted in a lawsuit when the scenarios weren't paid for; Thaw had switched emphasis, attempting to film a story of his own life, so claimed he owed nothing. The suit eventually resulted in a $7000 judgment for Lopez in 1935. In 1944 he sold the Kenilworth home and moved to Florida.[6]


Thaw died of a heart attack in Miami, Florida on February 22, 1947 at the age of 76.[1][7][8] He left $10,000, less than 1% of his fortune, to Evelyn Nesbit in his will.[9] He was buried in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh.


Non-fictional accounts

Fictional accounts

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Harry K. Thaw is Dead in Florida. Coronary Thrombosis Fatal to Former 'Playboy' Who Shot Stanford White in 1906". New York Times. February 22, 1947. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10F10FE385E12748DDDAA0A94DA405B8788F1D3. Retrieved 2008-07-23. "Harry K. Thaw, 76, died at his Miami Beach home about 8 P.M. tonight. His family physician said that the attack of coronary ..." 
  2. ^ a b c "Benjamin Thaw Too Ill to be Told of His Brother's Crime". New York Times. June 26, 1906. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60716FB355A12738DDDAF0A94DE405B868CF1D3. Retrieved 2010-10-09. "Social and financial circles in Pittsburg were greatly shocked to-night by the news from New York that Harry K. Thaw had shot and killed Stanford White. The Thaws have for years been social leaders here. Harry Kendall Thaw, the husband of Florence Evelyn Nesbit, over whom Thaw and White are said to have quarreled, has for some years been the black sheep of the Thaw family." 
  3. ^ Great American Trials, vol. 1
  4. ^ New York Times, July 30, 1909, "Thaw lays killing to a "brainstorm"
  5. ^ "Immigration Officials Seek Writ from New Judge and Hope to Rush Him Across Border.". New York Times. August 30, 1913. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9805E4DC113CE633A25753C3A96E9C946296D6CF. Retrieved 2009-11-01. "Sensational developments are expected to-day in the fight to get Harry Kendall Thaw out of Canada and back to the Matteawan Asylum. ... Thaw was represented by Mr. Shurtleff and the prosecution by Hector." 
  6. ^ "Harry K. Thaw Sued by Two Scenarists; Ask $5,000 for Eleven Screen Stories They Say He Was to Produce.". The New York Times. February 26, 1928. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F20B1EF7355D14738DDDAF0A94DA405B888EF1D3&scp=1&sq=harry+thaw+lopez+produce&st=p. Retrieved 2010-12-30. 
  7. ^ "Harry K. Thaw, Ex-Millionaire Playboy, Is Dead". Chicago Tribune. February 22, 1947. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/chicagotribune/access/495417162.html?dids=495417162:495417162&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Feb+23,+1947&author=&pub=Chicago+Tribune&desc=HARRY+K.+THAW,+EX-MILLIONAIRE+PLAYBOY,+IS+DEAD&pqatl=google. Retrieved 2010-10-09. "Harry K. Thaw, 76, former multimillionaire playboy, died in his home here tonight of coronary thrombosis." 
  8. ^ "Died.". Time (magazine). March 3, 1947. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,854692,00.html. Retrieved 2008-07-23. "Harry Kendall Thaw, 76, multimillionaire turn-of-the-century playboy whose murder of famed Architect Stanford White over Evelyn Nesbit in 1906 was the granddaddy of all tabloid sensations; of coronary thrombosis; in Miami Beach. Eccentric girl-chaser Thaw put three bullets in White at a Manhattan roof garden for the alleged seduction, before Thaw had married her, of ex-Floradora Girl Evelyn." 
  9. ^ "Harry Thaw Will Leaves $10,000 To Evelyn Nesbit". Associated Press. March 30, 1947. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/courant/access/897075002.html?dids=897075002:897075002&FMT=CITE&FMTS=CITE:AI&type=historic&date=Mar+30,+1947&author=&pub=Hartford+Courant&desc=Harry+K.+Thaw+Leaves+Evelyn+Nesbit+$10,000&pqatl=google. Retrieved 2008-07-23. "Harry K. Thaw, multi-millionaire playboy who died at his Miami Beach home Feb. 22 at 76, bequeathed $10000 to the wife ..." 

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